Hace unos meses esperaba con ansía la tercera parte de la trilogía de Trajano, y por fin, hoy, cierro la trilogía con este post. La legión perdida es el título de esta novela escrita por Santiago Posteguillo.
Con él asistimos a la empresa romana jamás llevada a cabo, la conquista del imperio parto (eterno enemigo de Roma) por parte del emperador Trajano. Durante esta empresa el emperador no solo tendrá que luchar con sus enemigos de carne y hueso, sino también con el fantasma del pasado de la gran derrota que sufrió Craso contra el mismo imperio en Carrae, uno de lo mayores desastres de la historia militar. Al mismo tiempo, el sobrino de Trajano, Adriano, intentará hacer fracasar esta empresa y optar al ansiado poder del imperio romano.
Paralelamente a la narración sobre la conquista de Partia, se cuenta qué ocurrió con Craso y sus tropas siglo y medio antes.
Creo que es una de las mejores trilogías que he leído, tal y como ya pensé de la anterior del autor sobre Escipión. La forma que tiene de narrar las batallas es increíblemente clara, ni demasiado técnica, ni demasiado pasado por alta. Siempre teniendo en cuenta ambos bandos...
Y allí donde la historia no certifica qué ha ocurrido, o donde hay huecos en blancos, Posteguillo lo rellena con invención propia perfectamente redactado, perfectamente enlazado y siempre explicando que eso, no se debe tomar por algo verídica, a fin de cuentas no son manuales de historia sino novelas históricas.
Una vez más, altamente recomendable para todos, especialmente para los amantes de novela histórica o amantes de Roma.
Today I’m
bringing a new book instead of a new movie. By coincidence, recently I was
talking about the narrow link sometimes I create with some series, books or
movies, especially with books. The book I’m talking about today is one of those
examples. This trilogy has made me laugh, cry, shout and thrill. I create a
special link like never before.
I have
been awaiting the third part of the Trajan’s trilogy for some months, and
eventually today, I end it. Lost legion is its title.
assist to the biggest Roman business ever carried out, the conquest of the Parthian
empire (the everlasting enemy of Rome). Trajan was responsible for it. During
this harsh task, they are going to fight not only against human enemies, but
the ghost of a terrible failure and defeat when Crassus was member of the
triumvirate. One of the biggest massacres of the history, the battle of Carrhae
in which the Parthian army slaughtered the Roman army. As long as Trajan and
his army are fighting this war, they also have to be careful with the troublemaker
nephew of Trajan, Adriano, who will try to make them fail and achieve the power
at any cost.
it is told what happened to Crassus and his legion, named Lost legion, during
and after the battle of Carrhae.
really liked it very much and I think it is one of the best trilogies I have
ever read before. It is extremely amazing the way Santiago is able to explain
what happens in a battle, it is crystal clear, not too much technical, you know
exactly what is happening at the same time in both sides. It is awesome reading
battles like those. And where history doesn’t say anything, when there’s a
blank space, he creates something perfectly linked with the rest and only when
you finish and you read the historical notes, you realize that was his creation.
highly recommend this book, and the previous ones.
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