
miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen

He tardado en leerlo más de lo esperado por motivos ajenos al libro en sí.
La verdad es que parece casi una tradición empezar el año leyendo clásicos de Jane Austen en inglés, así que como tengo aún varios libros pendientes de la autora, lo seguiré haciendo.
Mansfield Park no es una de las obras más famosas de la autora, y el comienzo fue bastante lento.
No obstante, a medida que avanza la trama, te van atrapando más sus personajes, en especial la protagonista, Fanny Price.
El final, muy en la línea de la autora. Aunque sin duda Orgullo y Prejuicio es, hasta el momento, mi favorito, Mansfield Park no merece desperdicio para los fans de Jane Austen

I have lasted more than I had previously thought in reading this book, and it was not because of the book itself at all.
I'm getting used to beginning every year reading Jane Austen's classics in English which is not as easy as other books are. I still have more books from her on my agenda, so I will keep doing such a thing in next coming years.
Mansfield Park is not one of the most famous works from Austen, and though the beginnig was pretty slow and tough, as long as the plot moves forward, their characters start to captivate you, specially the main character, Fanny Price.
The very ending is predictable but not bad, it is just something that happens to those who have already read other books from the same author.Doubtlessly for those who love Jane Austen, they should read it. However, if you have never read anything from her yet, I suggest starting with Pride and Prejuice, which is at the moment my favourite.

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